Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whats in a day?

Who can believe that in the course of 24 hours there is so much to update already! Where do i even begin?!? Our team is ON FIRE, and i can't even keep up with the donations pouring in!!! What great effort by the members of CraniuMS. Even our friends and family sponsors are starting to have fun with this. Take Stacy Earl for example who donated $51.23, just to be funny and throw off our total!! Then there is also the fun had by sibling rivalry when Randy, Tricia, Luke & Emma decided to one-up Gretchen & Alan by donating $51 over their $50 donation. I'm glad to see that everyone is having fun with this.

First off, lets give a big CraniuMS welcome to James Geyer and Cassie Fossitt for joining the team!! CraniuMS is now the 2nd largest team in the Twin Cities with 19 members! It's never too late to join the movement.

While we're on the topic of rankings, one of our own broke through the Top Ten Individual Fundraisers list. Coming in at #8 with a whopping $651.23 in donations, lets give it up for (Drumroll............) MEGAN HEUER! Congrats Megan! Megan not only will receive the official MS Walk T-shirt and long sleeve shirt, but she now will receive an official MS Walk track jacket as well. You could also win a track jacket if you surpass a goal of $500! A few of us are getting closer, like Jon Stupsky who is at $290 and Bridget Heuer who in literally 2 hours raised $285!

Another exciting update today is the two milestones we reached. The first milestone was surpassing the $1800 that CraniuMS raised for last years 2009 MS Walk. We are now 60% closer to our goal of doubling that amount! Our second milestone was reaching the $2000 mark. What an accomplishment in only 8 days on the campaign trail! Donations are still coming in from everywhere and as of right now we are at $2152.23! This has bumped us to #3 in the Twin Cities! What an unbelievable accomplishment for a team of small town heroes with a common interest.

The efforts of our team and sponsors brings hope to the many out there who share in the battle of MS. It reminds me of a small quote that hung in our kitchen for many years that says "I do not fear tomorrow. For i have seen yesterday, and i love today."

Many Thanks,
"Captain Crunch"

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